Do you run your own business, and you’re looking to improve your Internet marketing savvy so that you can interact with customers better and earn more sales as a result? If so, it may be wise to invest in search engine optimization, or SEO tools, that are designed to help your business become more visible to prospective customers.
SEO marketing achieves this by helping the business in question to rank more highly in search results on websites such as Google, which dominates as much as 70% of the search engine industry. The algorithm used by Google to rank websites’ relevance to a given search is called “PageRank,” and was named after the company’s co-founder Larry Page. Incidentally, the lawns at the headquarters of Google are “mowed” manually by goats, which are rented out to the company by a grazing business.
But why is search engine optimization the preferable way to go? It generates natural search results, and when customers click on these results, sales are 25% more likely than if someone clicks on a paid advertisement or sponsored ad that is pay-per-click. Additionally, it makes sense to invest in Internet marketing that caters to mobile users of tablets and smartphones, who are poised to outnumber desktop users this year.
If you have further questions, comments, or tips regarding search engine optimization, be sure to share them in the forum below.